
Showing posts from December, 2019

Stranger Things - Gender (Representation)

GENDER REPRESENTATION: Masculinity:  Jim Hopper Rough Scruff Heightened masculinity Laidback/he takes it easy Authoritative/Maybe a bit rude   Dismissive/irresponsible Manliness is about responsibility and doing the right thing. Demeaning jokes; to be virile is a key masculine trait. ''Morning is a time for coffee and contemplation'' - don't bother me and don't hassle me. All the men in that scene are lazy and it's the woman who is nagging. Mr. Wheeler ''You see what happens when...'' Formal attire Men are easy-going, men don't worry about stuff. He doesn't care about children's lives. Both him and Hopper want to abdicate responsibility. Mr. Clark  Frail - Weakness Can't control class Adult nerd? Teacher He cares / in touch with his emotions / happy to discuss emotions  whereas the other two men don't want to. Jonathon & Steve Jonathon had to take on a logical father...

Free Press Notes

Free Press  If a country has free press it means in the newspaper the publishers are allowed to express the opinions they want, even if these opinions criticize the government. This differs from television/media who have to express both sides whereas newspapers can express whichever they want. In the Uk the press is free; when we look at the news (papers/website) it will be opinionated and we are able to break down. After the 2011 phone-hacking scandal; where the sun hacked celebrities' phones and leaked their messages. Lord Leveson made a major report on this and then a new press regulator IPSO was set up. The aim of this was to make sure the press is more regulated. The downside of free press could be that they influence the audience.  News Corp: Owned by Rupert Murdoch Part of UK Newspaper group; one big large global conglomerate Own popular papers such as The Sun and The Times His children also work for this group They're very right-winged; support...

Stuart Hall (Media Audience & Representation)

Stuart Hall - Media Audience & Representation Hall is a key theorist, two linked theories that are important: Audience Representation Reception Theory - revised by Hall and another group of writers 1980s, move away from the effects theories; don't assume medias bad and brainwashing. Focus more on the condition in which the audience reads media text.  Look at how people interpret the media in different ways, different opinions. Polysemy - When there is a wide range of possible audience interpretations, most media products, particularly the news are polysemic. Producer      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------->   audience (daily mail)                                                                          ...

Stranger Things: Narratology Essay

Stranger things follows a multi-strand narrative, which means the show is telling us multiple different stories that are all in some way connected. We have our main story line and then sub story lines. The main story in Stranger things would be the disappearance of Will Byers as from the first episode alone majority of the screen time is given to Will Byers & his disappearance. The next storyline would be the mystery of Eleven and how she escapes authority figures. Two minor strands would be the growing relationship between Nancy Wheeler & Steve Harrington and the developing relationship between Jim Hopper & Joyce Byers. Todorov’s Narratology theory suggests that in every long form TV drama the audience should be able to Identify the equilibrium that begins the story and the disequilibrium that moves the story forward and the restoration that will end the equilibrium. The equilibrium in stranger things starts off in the Wheeler household; the children are downstairs p...

Stranger Things: Genre Hybridity, Post Modernism Essay

Stranger things is a long form TV drama that mixes different genres together creating a form of genre hybridity to attract a larger audience.  But creating this genre hybridity risks alienating certain individuals by frustrating those who only like one certain genre, for example the horror fans wouldn’t like the coming of age romance between Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler and vice versa with those fans not liking the horror aspects such as the demogorgon. Although most genres depicted, the main ones being; Sci-Fi, Coming Of Age, Mystery & Horror are subverted. For example, if we’re speaking on Sci-Fi, most Sci-Fi shows/movies are set in the future whereas Stranger Things is set in the past. Another key subversion would be Eleven’s character; she’s not the typical ‘alien’ character as she’s a human girl, she’s too normal for Sci-Fi but not normal enough for a Teen/Coming Of Age genre. Onto the topic of Teen/Coming Of Age we have subversions in this category too, this ...

Stranger Things - Represenntations

Representation Pleasures: Audience sees something/someone they can relate to. We like to see ourselves on screen. Put ourselves into shoes of the protagonist and feel part of that world. Representations tend to be quite similar and they all tend to just be of white men.  Minority representation - may be a challenge. Seeing your world - e.g. teenage life, high school, domestic settings (seeing something that's like the world you live in) Seeing versions of your childhood/like your past, 80s nostalgia. Stranger Things shows us the world of the 1980s Yuppies MTV Gaming Cold War Stranger Things is not that interested in representing the social political america in he 1980s. This is what makes it more a post modern product.  Representation: Suburbia Science The Family Concentrates on two main families Nuclear Family - Wheelers Byers Family - Single Parent Class Education Important? - Nancy trying to concent...

Newspaper (Meghan Markle) Essay

The articles given are from The Times and The Sun. Both differ in many different ways; The Sun, being a tabloid newspaper feature popular articles that tend to appeal to the masses. The tone of articles associated with The Sun are more informal and informative and they tend to use more image rather than text. The times on the other hand is a broadsheet newspaper, which feature 'quality' articles including political and international stories. The tone of these articles are more formal and informative, contrasting to tabloids there's more text than image. Both articles feature their iconic fonts for their papers; The Sun having an italic white font with a red box on the outlines and a Poppy icon on top for Remembrance day. While The Times has it's bold serif font. Both these are traditional for each paper. The headline for The Times ''Welcome to the Family'' is much more pleasant than The Sun's ''Don't fall for my little sis Harry, she...

Newspaper Front Cover Analysis

Newspaper: Page Layout and Media Language

Newspapers can be defined as broadsheet or tabloid, broadsheet tend to be bigger and tabloids tend to be the smaller ones. Although you can get ''compact''  broadsheet papers  (to save production costs)  which would be the same size as tabloids.  Examples of these would be: The Times The Guardian The Independent TABLOID: Normally feature popular articles that tend to appeal to the masses, this would be celebrity gossip or human interest stories Tone of these are more informal and informative Comedy; Jokes and wordplay used in headlines The Adverts are aimed towards lower social groups Uses more image than text Examples of tabloid would include: The Sun, The Daily Mirror, The Daily Star, The Daily Mail. BROADSHEET: Features 'quality' articles including political and international stories Tone is formal and informative Headlines are more factual and direct Adverts target higher social group Text used more than images Examples of br...