Radiohead Intertextuality and Cultural / Political References
Radiohead Intertextuality and Cultural / Political References
Cultural reference towards the Immigration Crisis. Suggested by animator Virpi Kettu:
“blaming of different people… the blaming of Muslims and the negativity”
Two Major Intertextual references:
- Children's TV Series: 'Trumptonshire Trilogy'
- 1973 British horror film 'The Wicker man'
The Trumptonshire Trilogy (1969 - 1966):
- The whole setup of the village is very much like the village created in the Radiohead music video. The characters are very similar, especially the mayor character.
- Target audience maybe in their 30s who will understand these references.
- The show is basically about community values in this idyllic small community.
- Some have suggested that around the time of the video being made (2016) that maybe this was some sort of a reference to Donald Trump.
- In Trump's head he's saying Make America Great again but he's really saying make America like the 50s/60s. Which was only good for some people, this was before the civil rights movement when there wasn't any integration, an old fashioned more 'white' America.
- Links to UKIP, spoof accounts made for Trumpton and UKIP. Links to cartoon and conservative backward way of leading the country.
The owners of Trumpton weren't very happy with the band's use of the animation style. Trumpton didn't really copyright their things but at no point did the Music Video state that it was Trumpton.
EU Referendum Campaign:
- Some people may argue that the video is making some kind of critique in the ''leave campaign''.
- ''We want our country back'' - Implying Britain isn't Britain, taken by someone who isn't British. Immigrants but Britain has always been a melting pot, there aren't any Indigenous British people but in the mind of some people there was a time when Britain was ''truly British''.
- The video may point to this, who is the witch that we're hunting in 2016? Immigrants?
Trump's Election Campaign:
- This was happening at the same time of Trump's campaign.
- Much of the ideology around his campaign is mirrored in UK messages
- We want our Country back
The Wicker Man (1973):
Set in a small village island in Scotland. Policeman arrived, they tricked him and burnt him in the Wickerman figure.
- Star of David (Swords & Mayor's Pendulum)
- Satanic Symbolism
- The burning of the policeman.
- Pastiche
- Maypole & dancing around the Maypole
Film is more darker than the music video. We see the main character escape in the music video but in the film the main character dies.
Mediaeval Practices:
- Putting crosses on door - indicate someone has the plague
- Dunking chairs - reference to dunking of the witches
Modern day discrimination and modern day witch hunts, questions around immigration.
- Lots of discussion as to what this could actually mean,
- Some say this links to story of Jobe in bible (spelt Job but pronounced Jobe) who was a very religious man who got punished; about people who just keep on getting punished. Asks us more question than we can provide answers.
Dawn Chorus:
- Bird could be reference to the ''Dawn Chorus''
- For Radiohead fans, before this was released Radiohead created a company to release album had a work in progress song called Dawn Chorus.
- Video's Bird is a hint that we'll be hearing Dawn Chorus soon.
- Dawn Chorus was released this year by Thom Yorke.
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