Radio notes (2)
regulation = controlling/having rules in place.
regulator = someone who sets the rules, maintains the rules, makes sure people are following the rules.
an example of a regulator would be Ofcom.
Ofcom = regulations communications in the UK.
Ofcom have regulated the BBC since 2013.
They also assess performance, are BBC doing what they want?
BBC gets lots of money from the license fee and government so how it is spent is a big deal, so what they do in the BBC needs to be carefully considered otherwise people think it's a waste of money.
So the biggest issue is how the BBC keep the funding?
- young audience?
- keep up with streaming services?
Livingstone & Lundt have studied FOUR CASE STUDIES of ofcom:
- Consumers - have wants, are individuals, seek private benefits from the media, use the language of choice, and require regulation to protect against harm
- Customers - have needs, are social, seek public or social benefits from the media, use the language of rights and require regulation to promote the public interest.
Theory is basically it's hard to regulate for media landscape.
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